Help with Finding the Correct Hotsy Manual and Parts

Are you looking to repair your Hotsy pressure washer, and are trying to find the right manual to match your machine? It can be a challenge, especially if your unit is over ten years old! On most of our products, you’ll see we have several manuals available for your reading pleasure. However, sometimes the manual you’re looking for isn’t the most recent available, or any of the years we have available. Due to upgrades in manufacturing, especially when it comes to burners and pumps, manual part lists can be a challenge to find. However, we can help, but we do need some information from you. Give us a call whenever you need help finding a manual, and we’ll help you track it down when you provide the following information in your call:

– Customer Part Number
– Serial Number
– Code

As you can see in the picture above, most Hotsy models have three parts of information we can use to find your manual: the customer part number, the serial number, and the code.

The customer part number is simply the machine make and model.

The serial number, when provided to Hotsy, can help them name your machine and find the manual by itself.

However, the true piece of important information is the code! The code is actually the week and year that your machine was produced. So for example, if your code is 2310, your machine was produced in the 23rd week of 2010. This information, paired with the make and model, is often the key to finding the correct manual and thus buying the correct parts!

Below, you’ll find a few more examples of these tags. See if you can locate the code and model number on each so you can better help us help you when we chat. The Hotsy Serial Plate, which is the location of the tag, is usually on the back of the stainless steel vertical coil, where the coil meets the red frame.