Commercial Pressure Washing Equipment in Mansfield, OH
Hotsy Equipment Company
Masfield, OH
77 South Illinois Ave.
Mansfield, OH 44905
Open weekdays from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Contact Information
Toll Free: (800) 382-7959
Local Phone: (419) 589-7111
Fax: (419) 589-8505
Service & Repair
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Which Pressure Washer is Right For You?
There are basically two types of pressure washers, either hot water pressure washers or cold water pressure washers. Which version you choose depends on the type of cleaning required. After that, more choices come into play such as fuel types and mobility. Below we cover the main difference between hot water and cold water pressure washers. Click links under the images below to for a brief explanation of the application each type is best for.

Cleaning with a Cold Water Pressure Washer
Perfect for cleaning dirt and soil.
Cold water pressure washers are great for removing dirt and surfaces that do not involve grease or oil. Caked-on dirt or mud is quickly and easily removed with our industrial pressure washers, speeding up your cleaning process. When you save time, you save money!

Cleaning with a Hot Water Pressure Washer
Hot water pressure washers are designed to cut through oil and grease, much like washing greasy dishes in the sink.
Soap alone doesn’t cut through the grease and you just end up smearing the grease around in the cold water. Turn on the hot water, and it cuts through the grease and oil with no trouble. The same thing applies to cleaning with a pressure washer. If you need to clean through oil or grease, you will need a hot water pressure washer to remove it quickly.
The Hotsy Equipment Company provides reliable hot & cold water pressure washing equipment, pressure washer rentals, service and repair in the Clarksburg, WV area.

Wilcox Sales & Service in Mansfield can provide hot or cold washers to meet your specific requirements. Our Mansfield, OH branch offers the best pressure washer solutions, engineered to provide years of service removing heavy grease build-ups with hot water, or to tackle lighter jobs with our efficient cold-water pressure washers. Wilcox Sales & Service of Mansfield, OH also offers pressure washer repairs, service and rentals, plus parts washers and waste water treatment equipment to complete your industrial washing and wastewater requirements. Please visit our Mansfield, OH branch, also serving Canton, Norwalk, Marion, Mt Vernon, Massillon, Upper Sandusky, and Bucyrus.